SERVICESProposal Development and Preparation

Writing a research proposal is a challenging task due to the endlessly evolving trends in research design and the need to include innovative advances. We are aware of entailing a high effort, being sometimes even stressful. We’ve been there already as scientists in the field. There are a lot of aspects to consider. Each part of a winning proposal involves thoughtful planning and development, from the content to the format. We will work together with you designing the best plan to obtain a proposal tailored to your profile, needs and specific requirements for each call.

Our strategic plan focuses on the most critical phases of the process:

Proposal Development

First Phase to Proposal development and Preparation :

  • Advising services to help you develop and shape your ideas.
  • Clearly define your project scope and its objectives.
  • Economic viability and resource study.
  • Experiment design.
Proposal development

Second Phase:

  • Help you identify the financing calls at the local, national, and international levels best suited for the project.
  • Active search and monitoring to attract funding and leadership at the European level: H2020, EUREKA, EUROSTARS, LIFE, and ERA-NET, among others.
Proposal development

Third Phase:

  • Assistance writing and shaping your project proposal: we help you present your project with a high degree of professionalism. This will entail revising and updating your proposal to include detailed bibliographic references that correctly illustrate the current state of the field. We can identify the formatting and data requirements of each call and help you deliver high-level documentation. Last but not least, we review your proposal for language and grammar accuracy in Spanish and English.
  • Budget Preparation: our methods help you predict, assess, and cost all aspects of your research and correctly justify them in the final proposal.
  • Ethical compliance: We help you prepare the documentation required for each different call, including reports for bioethics committees and other certifications. We ensure that every part of your project complies with fundamental ethical principles.

Don’t let the stress of proposal writing hold you back – let us help you achieve success with a winning research proposal. Contact us today to get started!